What makes LeTip different from other leads groups?
LeTip is the original business leads networking group. In 1978 we set the standard by developing a program that embraced both businesswomen and businessmen. We adhere to the program format, require our members to be committed, expect excellence, and reject mediocrity. We’re snappy, successful, and honored by the incredibly talented and professional members who are the true spirit of LeTip.
What does LeTip expect of me?
LeTip expects you to attend weekly meetings to build relationships. LeTip expects you to pass, on average, one qualified referral every week. LeTip expects you to be ethical, professional, and experienced in your line of work. LeTip expects you to help all your members to be successful and they are expected to do the same for you.
How do I know LeTip will work for me?
LeTip will work for you… if you work LeTip. Simply follow the program. It has worked for thousands upon thousands of businesspeople. To be successful in LeTip – or in any endeavor – requires perseverance and the universal understanding that you must give before you receive. There is much to be said about “All for one and one for all!”
What can I expect LeTip to do for me?
You can expect LeTip to provide the structure and the guidance of the LeTip program. You can expect your Area Representative to train your chapter members in leadership and presentation skills. You can expect all the necessary materials to run a chapter to be provided. You can expect annual training in the newest networking and chapter building techniques for your Board Members and Committee Chairs. You can expect your category to be protected. You can expect our full time staff in our corporate office to assist you when necessary.
How much does it cost to join the LeTip of Fremont Chapter?
Your new member fee for the first year is $440.00 (US) is paid directly to LeTip International, Inc. each additional year it is only $360.00.
The Fremont Chapter also collects $40 and this is your initial chapter dues, which covers the training to insure you start off on the right foot to begin your success at networking.
Additionally, members are required to pay dues throughout the year for chapter expenses. These dues are used to pay for business mixers and the promotion of the chapter. Our chapter charges $91.00 a quarter which equals a $1.00 a day.